Moleskine Spacebabe
By Sky Calibey| 2016-03-07T21:58:51+00:00 March 7th, 2016|Doodle, Moleskine|
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Lou leads me to a table crowded with bowls of chips, bottles of beer, and party cups. He fills two of the cups and turns to me. A fragile seriousness falls over his face as he hands me one of the cups filled with a dark red liquid and recites: “Drink this wine, for it [...]
Behind the wheel, music blaring, moving at breakneck speed. My song is interrupted (right at the good part) by a text. Lauren: You comign to the party? Oh don’t worry Lauren, I’ll be there. Its only 9:30 and you’re already throwing me typos, I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I send my response: “On [...]
I went to the market today and brought home a squigglepig. Or maybe he’s the Squigglepig, as he was the only one in stock and the store owner knew very little about him. Squigglepig doesn’t seem to know very much about himself, either. He’s an interesting fellow, and only partially resembles a pig; more accurately, [...]
I am a rat out of hell. I crack my knuckles successfully every couple seconds as lightening arcs between my shoulder blades. My fists and jaw clench with spinal magnitude. My patchy, pitiful beard grows from under my low-pulled pastel-green newsboy. My shirt is buttoned one button too low to flaunt my unimpressive-but-still-definitely-noticeable tuft of chest [...]
Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut et diam. Aliquam quis nunc quam. Maecenas feugiat dui venenatis dui convallis, a consectetur quam ornare. Proin eleifend, tellus in interdum malesuada, eros purus mattis [...]
Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut et diam. Aliquam quis nunc quam. Maecenas feugiat dui venenatis dui convallis, a consectetur quam ornare. Proin eleifend, tellus in interdum malesuada, eros purus mattis [...]
Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut et diam. Aliquam quis nunc quam. Maecenas feugiat dui venenatis dui convallis, a consectetur quam ornare. Proin eleifend, tellus in interdum malesuada, eros purus mattis [...]
Praesent eu massa vel diam laoreet elementum ac sed felis. Donec suscipit ultricies risus sed mollis. Donec volutpat porta risus posuere imperdiet. Sed viverra dolor sed dolor placerat ornare ut et diam. Aliquam quis nunc quam. Maecenas feugiat dui venenatis dui convallis, a consectetur quam ornare.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vulputate quam turpis, non egestas ante auctor non. Maecenas eget blandit mi, sit amet fringilla libero. Vivamus a sagittis lectus, ut aliquam.